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Reasons for Leaving
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"...was faced with a longlasting shortage of driving work"
My reasons for leaving Tarantino Foods were the following:
- I signed onto the role part time, Saturdays and Sundays only, for the purpose of subsidizing the income I had making at Buffalo Management Group, my full time job. Once fired from BMG, I contacted Tarantino Foods and asked to come on full time until I was able to find a replacement. From the beginning of me starting full time, I made it clear to them that I would still be looking to replace Buffalo Management Group on weekdays, due to the low rate of pay at Tarantino compared to what I could make in a higher paying full-time job. The COO unerstood. Long story short, I stayed employed with the company full time 7 months longer than expected (0 months), as I did not start with the intention of being there full time.
- While I had signed onto the position as a truck driver, 50% to 60% of my time there was not driving but rather working in the warehouse, usually on "busywork", such as sweeping and dusting, and taking out garbage. I was trusted by management to drive every truck and piece of equipment in the warehouse, but was faced with a longlasting shortage of driving work. I usually kept my brain entertained by listening to a variety of podcasts, but eventually felt so useless to the company that I did not want to continue working there